
Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

Power of Mind

exercise the power of the mind

MIND POWER TRAIN in the morning (part 2)
P there Older Posts (MIND POWER TRAIN (bagian1)) are discussed on about the power of the mind , for this post I try to describe step by step training in the power of the mind MORNING
The training is as follows:

When you wake up in the morning, sometimes we feel refreshed and happy, but often times we feel sad because of the problems pile up again soon crossed the mind. Now this is first of all have to be changed. Enabling mind will not be effective if when you wake up to the thoughts you have on sabotage by a problem your problem. Changing habits you have done for many years is not easy, but not impossible. 
The trick is simple, it only needs the realization that from now on you can control your mind. You are no longer controlled by your thoughts. Mastering the mind and the mind is controlled by two very different things. Concrete example is a time when the motorcycle or a car you dipepet by bike or car to others. Your immediate reaction is a sore heart, venting anger and rage that lead to fights or save these angry. The result, you make your activity that day distracted. This is an example where you are controlled by your thoughts. Without realizing it you have spent enormous energy and the result is detrimental to your own

If you can select the reaction you did, that you chose to not be hurt, not angry and do not vent your anger, then you can master your mind. This is not a matter of character or innate, this problem yourself skills to be able to choose a reaction in the event. Wrong to say that the "inherently angry person". The truth is "low-skill person to choose his own reactions" By having the skills to be able to choose a reaction to an event, you've got an advantage over most people. One advantage of the real, you'll be the one that is not easily offended. 
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Friday, July 20, 2012


D the natural process of looking for work, want to excel in a job or want to be successful self-employed you think that you've done all the right things, but the results still do not satisfy you?. You've been trying really hard and have a very strong will to succeed, but there are no results that match your expectations? The last link your business travel in getting a job, self-employed or perform in a job is to activate the power of the mind effectively. You can turn on the power of your mind. All people have the potential power of this mind, it's just that most people do not turn on the power of a conscious mind. An understanding has been known to many people around the world stating that most humans only use 10% of their capacity masing.Orang successful people use more than 10% of the capacity of his mind. Successful people have managed to activate the power of his mind. human brain structure and function has a very complex and has not been known. From various estimates, our brain has 100 billion brain neurons (neurons) which communicate through a network of several hundred trillion (synapses) and filled with cerebrospinal fluid compounds (neurochemicals) where a flash of electricity jumping between the networks and the compound when the brain works. The brain is a super computer created by God to be much more sophisticated than any man-made super computer. Thank you. This is because the brain allows humans to choose independently before making a thought and action, where thought and action would be to emit a certain energy to the universe. Energy emitted from the human who is often called a microcosm of energy will continually interact with the available energy in the universe or macrocosm is often called the energy. person who did some thinking and action, he unwittingly emits high-frequency energy into the universe. High-frequency energy is the energy associated with all things good. Likewise, low-frequency energy with regard to any matter which is not good will shine when someone thought or act which is not good. For more convenience, we call it the high-frequency energy as both energy and low frequency energy as an energy-poor. If people are aware of only a few without either emit energy into the universe, he only uses a fraction of the toxicity of advanced super computer creations of God who was in his head. What will we do now is a systematic practice to be able to activate the potential power of the mind we can take advantage of energy available in the universe with a maximum. With that in mind the power switch, you can take advantage of good energy in the universe is to help increase the capacity of self, while trying to avoid the bad energy. This is an important capital in necessary for success. Energy in the universe will strengthen the good energy that radiates from your mind. This is a distinguishing factor between success and failure. Everything starts from the mind. Do you think you can or can not, the two both be true. This is the beginning of what distinguishes a successful person and a failure. Enable the mind is very easy to do and only takes a little time. About 2 minutes in the morning and about 6 minutes in the evening. That's it, and you are ready to succeed get the job you want, successful self-employed or work accomplished. It's that simple? Yes, as simple as that. I do not want to make complicated things simple for purely complex and sophisticated look that can be expensive. Something that effectively does not have to elaborate. strength of mind which enabled will make the energy in your self, or the energy to be a microcosm of the macrocosm of sync with the energy of the universe to nature, so that you can intelligently utilize the available energy in the universe for the benefit yourself. As the concept of day and night, hot-cold, dark-light, black and white, the energy of the macrocosm of the universe is also composed of energy macrocosm macrocosm good and bad energy. This energy is not visible but have a good effect is quite remarkable when we can use it correctly. Instead, this energy will also give a tremendous adverse impact if the human mind unconsciously emit bad energy of his mind, where the bad energy will be met with energy bad macrocosm of the universe will return in a form that humans could not have hoped for. In the West there is the statement "Be careful with what you wish for" (be careful with what you want). INDONESIA we often hear "Beware, do any swearing, later events." This is an example of activation of the power of the mind by accident, in which the energy of the universe responds to bad energy that inadvertently activated by the thought of it and return it with a larger scale.